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Scaled-up Neuromorphic Array Communications Controller (SNACC) for Large-scale Neural Networks

A. R. Young, A. Z. Foshie, M. E. Dean, J. S. Plank, G. S. Rose, J. P. Mitchell and C. D. Schuman

July, 2020

IJCNN: The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks

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Neuromorphic computing is one promising postMoore’s law era technology, which takes inspiration from biological brains to perform computing tasks. The human brain contains billions of neurons with trillions of synapses and as neuromorphic hardware systems scale to larger and larger sizes, the communication system used to transfer information between neuromorphic elements and traditional computers must scale to keep up. In prior work, we describe the use of a separate neuromorphic array communications controller to support low-latency, high-throughput communication between our neuromorphic systems and a traditional computer. In this work, the neuromorphic array communications controller is used to support the scaling of a neuromorphic development system which uses multiple neuromorphic processors arranged in a two-dimensional array. The neuromorphic array communications controller, along with scalable local connections, is used to create a scalable neuromorphic platform to enable the development and testing of large neuromorphic network arrays.

Citation Information


author     A. R. Young and A. Z. Foshie and M. E. Dean and J. S. Plank and G. S. Rose 
           and J. P. Mitchell and C. D. Schuman
title      Scaled-up Neuromorphic Array Communications Controller {(SNACC)} for 
           Large-scale Neural Networks
booktitle  IJCNN: The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
month      July
year       2020


    author = "A. R. Young and A. Z. Foshie and M. E. Dean and J. S. Plank and G. S. Rose 
               and J. P. Mitchell and C. D. Schuman",
    title = "Scaled-up Neuromorphic Array Communications Controller {(SNACC)} for 
               Large-scale Neural Networks",
    booktitle = "IJCNN: The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks",
    month = "July",
    year = "2020"