Research Posters
Poster: Island Model for Parallel Evolutionary Optimization of Spiking Neuromorphic Computing
- July, 2019
- Catherine D. Schuman, James S. Plank, Robert M. Patton and Thomas E. Potok
- GECCO: The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
Poster: GRANT: Ground Roaming Autonomous Neuromorphic Targeter
- April, 2019
- Jonathan Ambrose, Adam Foshie Mark Dean
- EUReCA: Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement, University of Tennessee
Poster: SABR: Development of a Neuromorphic Balancing Robot
- April, 2019
- Alec Yen, Yaw Mensah and Mark Dean
- EUReCA: Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement, University of Tennessee
- November, 2018
- Md. Sakib Hasan, Catherine D. Schuman, Nicholas Skuda, Ryan Weiss, Joseph S. Najem, Alex Belininov, C. Patrick Collier, Stephen A. Sarles and Garrett S. Rose
- ICRC: IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing
Poster: The TENNLab Exploratory Neuromorphic Software Framework
- November, 2018
- James S. Plank, Catherine D. Schuman, Mark E. Dean and Garrett S. Rose
- ICRC: IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing
Poster: Bowman: A Neuromorphic Targeting Application
- July, 2018
- Charles Rizzo and James S. Plank
- ICONS: International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems
Poster: Impact of STDP on Memristive Neural Network Performance
- July, 2018
- Md Musabbir Adnan, Garrett S. Rose, Catherine D. Schuman, Bon Woong Ku and Sung Kyu Lim
- ICONS: International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems
Poster: Neuromorphic Object Targeting Application Analysis
- July, 2018
- Michael Goin, Trevor Dixon, Grace Zhao, Jesse Vomfell and James S. Plank
- ICONS: International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems
Poster: Modeling and Design of Insulator Metal Transition-Based Artificial Neuron
- July, 2018
- Sherif Amer, Md Sakib Hasan, Md Musabbir Adnan and Garrett S. Rose
- ICONS: International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems
Poster: Dynamical Speciation of Spiking Networks
- February, 2018
- Wilkie Olin-Ammentorp, Catherine Schuman, James Plank, Garrett Rose, Joseph van Nostrand, Nathaniel C. Cady
- 6th Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Workshop (NICE 2018)
Poster: Evolutionary Optimization Training for Neuromorphic Systems for Scientific Applications
- November, 2017
- Catherine D. Schuman, Thomas Potok, Robert Patton, Steven Young, Garrett Rose, Gangotree Chakma, and Austin Wyer
- IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2017)
Poster: NeoN: Neuromorphic Navigation with DANNA
- July, 2017
- J. Parker Mitchell, Grant Bruer, Mark E. Dean, Catherine D. Schuman and James S. Plank
- Neuromorphic Computing Symposium 2017
Poster: A Practical Hafnium-Oxide Memristor Model Suitable for Circuit Design and Simulation
- May, 2017
- Sherif Amer, Sagarvarma Sayyaparaju, Karsten Beckmann, Nathaniel C. Cady and Garrett. S. Rose
- ISCAS: International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
- May, 2017
- Aleksander Klibisz, Grant Bruer, Catherine D. Schuman and James S. Plank
- IJCNN: The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
- May, 2017
- Sagarvarma Sayyaparaju, Gangotree Chakma, Sherif Amer and Garrett S. Rose
- 27th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
Poster: NeoN: Neuromorphic Control System for Autonomous Robotic Navigation
- April, 2017
- Parker Mitchell, Grant Bruer, Andrew Valesky, Trevor Sharpe, and David Young
- University of Tennessee ECE402/CS402 Senior Design Final Project Poster
Poster: Memristive Dynamic Adaptive Neural Network Array (mrDANNA)
- March, 2017
- Gangotree Chakma, Austin Wyer, Ryan Weiss and Garrett S. Rose
- 5th Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Workshop (NICE 2017)
- March, 2017
- James S. Plank, Catherine D. Schuman, Mark Dean, Garrett Rose and John Reynolds
- 5th Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Workshop (NICE 2017)
Poster: DANNA Neuromorphic Application Development Kit Demo
- March, 2017
- Mark Dean, Aaron Young, Parker Mitchell, Patricia Eckhart, John Reynolds, Grant Bruer, Adam Disney, James Plank, and Catherine Schuman
- 5th Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Workshop (NICE 2017)
- March, 2017
- Catherine D. Schuman
- 5th Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Workshop (NICE 2017)
Poster: Dynamic Adaptive Neural Network Arrays -- A Neuromorphic Platform
- September, 2016
- Adam Disney
- SMC16: Smoky Mountain Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference