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Device-aware Circuit Design for Robust Memristive Neuromorphic Systems with STDP-based Learning

Sagarvarma Sayyaparaju, Md Musabbir Adnan, Sherif Amer and Garrett S. Rose

May, 2020

ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems

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In the past decade, complementary metal oxide semiconductor-memristor hybrid neuromorphic systems have gained importance owing to the advantages of memristors such as nano-scale size, non-volatility, and low-power operation. However, they are often accompanied by non-ideal properties that can impact the system’s performance. This article presents device-aware circuit design to mitigate such effects. A bi-memristor synapse with a robust spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is designed. A mixed-mode neuron is presented whose accumulation rate is tunable on-chip and can be used with a variety of memristors without needing a re-design. The proposed designs are employed together in an example pattern recognition system. A scalable winner-takes-all circuit is presented for the output stage. A pattern recognition task based on a simple STDP-based learning is demonstrated such that the recognition rate is directly dependent on the learnt weights. Device-level issues such as switching speed/threshold asymmetry, limited switching resolution, endurance, and varying resistance range (across devices) are shown to adversely affect learning at the system level and it is demonstrated that the proposed circuits can mitigate them. Last, the area and energy costs of the proposed designs are evaluated and compared against other implementations in the literature.

Citation Information


author         S. Sayyaparaju and M. M. Adnan and S. Amer and G. S. Rose
title          Device-aware Circuit Design for Robust Memristive Neuromorphic
               Systems with STDP-based Learning
journal        ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
month          May
year           2020
volume         16
number         3
issn           1550-4832
doi            10.1145/3380969
articleno      28
numpages       25


    author = "S. Sayyaparaju and M. M. Adnan and S. Amer and G. S. Rose",
    title = "Device-aware Circuit Design for Robust Memristive Neuromorphic
               Systems with STDP-based Learning",
    journal = "ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems",
    month = "May",
    year = "2020",
    volume = "16",
    number = "3",
    issn = "1550-4832",
    doi = "10.1145/3380969",
    articleno = "28",
    numpages = "25",
    url = ""