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Design of superconducting optoelectronic networks for neuromorphic computing

Sonia Buckley, Adam N. McCaughan, Jeff Chiles, Richard P. Mirin, Sae Woo Nam, Jeffrey M. Shainline, Grant Bruer, James S. Plank and Catherine D. Schuman

November, 2018

IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2018)

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We have previously proposed a novel hardware platform for neuromorphic computing based on superconducting optoelectronics that presents many of the features necessary for information processing in the brain. Here we discuss the design and training of networks of neurons and synapses based on this technology. We present circuit models for the simplest neurons and synapses that we can use to build networks. We discuss the further abstracted integrate and fire model that we use for evolutionary optimization of small networks of these neurons. We show that we can use the TennLab evolutionary optimization programming framework to design small networks for logic, control and classification tasks. We plan to use the results to feedback and inform our neuron design.

Citation Information


author     S. Buckley and A. N. McCaughan and J. Chiles and R. P. Mirin and
           S. W. Nam and J. M. Shainline and G. Bruer and J. S. Plank and C. D. Schuman
title      Design of superconducting optoelectronic networks for neuromorphic computing 
booktitle  IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing
address    Tysons, VA
month      November
year       2018
pages      36--42


    author = "S. Buckley and A. N. McCaughan and J. Chiles and R. P. Mirin and
                S. W. Nam and J. M. Shainline and G. Bruer and J. S. Plank and C. D. Schuman",
    title = "Design of superconducting optoelectronic networks for neuromorphic computing ",
    booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing",
    address = "Tysons, VA",
    month = "November",
    year = "2018",
    pages = "36--42"