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Analysis and Modeling of Electroforming in Transition Metal Oxide-based Memristors and its Impact on Crossbar Array Density

Sherif Amer, M. S. Hasan and G. S. Rose

January, 2018

IEEE Electron Device Letters

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This work proposes a compact physical model for electroforming in Transition Metal Oxide memristors. The proposed model is based on oxide breakdown statistics and validated against experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations. The model is applied to the problem of area optimization of memristive crossbar array. It is shown that a trade-off exists between the area of the cross-point and the area of the forming circuit. Reduction of the switching layer thickness and/or varying the local field enhancement may result in an appreciable reduction of the forming voltage which, in turn, alleviates the need for forming transistors and yields significant area reduction. On the other hand, these gains might be subdued by scaling the crossbar array itself. The proposed compact model can be used by circuit designers who wish to explore the impact of forming on their crossbar designs and helps with projecting device requirements that are best suited for a particular circuit of interest.

Citation Information


author          S. Amer and M. S. Hasan and G. S. Rose
title           Analysis and Modeling of Electroforming in Transition Metal Oxide-based 
                Memristors and its Impact on Crossbar Array Density
booktitle       {IEEE} Electron Device Letters
month           January
year            2018
volume          39
issue           1
pages           19-22
doi             10.1109/LED.2017.2778639


    author = "S. Amer and M. S. Hasan and G. S. Rose",
    title = "Analysis and Modeling of Electroforming in Transition Metal Oxide-based 
                Memristors and its Impact on Crossbar Array Density",
    booktitle = "{IEEE} Electron Device Letters",
    month = "January",
    year = "2018",
    volume = "39",
    issue = "1",
    pages = "19-22",
    doi = "10.1109/LED.2017.2778639"