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Method and Apparatus for Constructing a Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Neural Network

J. Douglas Birdwell and Catherine Schuman

October, 2017

US Patent 9,798,751

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A method and apparatus for constructing a neuroscience-inspired dynamic architecture (NIDA) for an artificial neural network is disclosed. The method comprises constructing, in one embodiment, an artificial neural network embodiment in a multi-dimensional space in memory such that a neuron is connected by a synapse to another neuron. The neuron and the synapse each have parameters and have features of long-term potentiation and long-term depression. Furthermore, crossover and mutation are employed to select children of parents. Through learning, an initial network may evolve into a different network when NIDA is applied to solve different problems of control, anomaly detection and classification over selected time units. The apparatus comprises in one embodiment a computational neuroscience-inspired artificial neural network with at least one affective network coupled to receive input data from an environment and to output data to the environment.

Citation Information


author          J. D. Birdwell and C. Schuman
title           Method and Apparatus for Constructing a Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Neural Network
howpublished    U.S. Patent #9798751
month           October
year            2017


    author = "J. D. Birdwell and C. Schuman",
    title = "Method and Apparatus for Constructing a Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Neural Network",
    howpublished = "U.S. Patent \#9798751",
    month = "October",
    year = "2017"