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Design Techniques for in-Field Memristor Forming Circuits

Sherif Amer, Garrett S. Rose, Karsten Beckmann and Nathaniel C. Cady

August, 2017

60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems

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This work presents circuit design techniques for in-field forming of metal-oxide memristor-based systems. While several works have addressed forming from a device characterization stand point, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the integration of a forming circuit in a memristor-based application hasn’t been thoroughly studied. Two challenges exist for in-field forming which are the high forming voltages required and SPICE level modeling of the forming process. Both challenges are addressed in this work and circuit level solutions are provided. A method for incorporating forming in memristor models is proposed via increasing the high resistance state (HRS) value to mimic the pre-forming resistance of the device and simulating the design for a wide range of pre-forming resistances. Also, a circuit design is presented for proper isolation of peripheral circuitry during forming to avoid any malfunction. It is shown that forming is executed successfully without disrupting the CMOS peripheral circuitry. It is important to highlight the need for developing a concise physical model for forming in SPICE environment. Also, device designers should work on lowering the forming voltage in order to ease the integration of forming circuits in memristor based applications.

Citation Information


author          S. Amer and G. S. Rose and K. Beckmann and N. C. Cady
title           Design Techniques for in-Field Memristor Forming Circuits
booktitle       60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)
address         Boston, MA
month           August
year            2017


    author = "S. Amer and G. S. Rose and K. Beckmann and N. C. Cady",
    title = "Design Techniques for in-Field Memristor Forming Circuits",
    booktitle = "60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)",
    address = "Boston, MA",
    month = "August",
    year = "2017",
    where = ""