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A CAD System for Exploring Neuromorphic Computing with Emerging Technologies

James S. Plank, Garrett S. Rose, Mark E. Dean and Catherine D. Schuman

March, 2017

42nd Annual GOMACTech Conference

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Emerging technologies are attractive as replacement parts for conventional digital electronics as we move past Moore's Law in computing. However, any emerging technology must be accompanied by a battery of software infrastructure, both to ``program'' the technology, and to incorporate it into critical applications. Herein, we detail our research in software infrastructure for leveraging emerging technologies in neuromorphic computing systems.

Citation Information


author      J. S. Plank and G. S. Rose and M. E. Dean and C. D. Schuman
title       A CAD System for Exploring Neuromorphic Computing with Emerging Technologies
booktitle   42nd Annual GOMACTech Conference
month       March
year        2017
address     Reno, NV


    author = "J. S. Plank and G. S. Rose and M. E. Dean and C. D. Schuman",
    title = "A {CAD} System for Exploring Neuromorphic Computing with Emerging Technologies",
    booktitle = "42nd Annual GOMACTech Conference",
    month = "March",
    year = "2017",
    address = "Reno, NV"