Demo + Video: Robonav under control of the DANNA FPGA

RoboNav is a robotic vehicle whose job is to navigate a space while avoiding obstacles. It was the result of a Senior Design team at the University of Tennessee in the spring semester, 2017. Continued development has come from students Parker Mitchell and Grant Bruer. RoboNav is navigated by a neuromorphic network on the DANNA architecture, implemented on an FPGA. Everything is battery powered and on the robot. In particular, there is no microprocessor -- just communication from the inputs to the DANNA FPGA, and from the FPGA back to the caterpillar controls of the robot.

Below is a (silent) youtube video of RoboNav, navigating a room with obstacles. Following that is a link to a poster and a paper that describes RoboNav in detail.


Here is the link to the youtube video.

Here is a link to the IEEE-IRIS paper about RoboNav.

And here is a link to the poster describing RoboNav in detail.